Recipes for July

Fried Mackerel with Mushrooms and Mustard

(serves 2)

If the fish is same day fresh, these are utterly mouth watering.

  1. Rinse and dry the fish, leaving on the skin. Coat both sides with the seasoned flour, shaking off excess.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a pan and fry the mackerel until golden on each side. Remove and keep warm.
  3. In the oil that remains, fry the mushrooms and garlic for 2-3 minutes, turning frequently. Remove from the heat and add the lemon juice, mustard and pepper, mixing thoroughly.
  4. Serve the mackerel with the mushrooms and juices poured over. Garnish with parsley.

courtesy Alan Bichan food columnist for the Orcadian, from his book "A Year in an Orkney Kitchen".

Cod Steaks with Leeks and Mushrooms

(serves 4)

Cooking your side vegetables in the sauce makes this fish dish quick and easy. Monkfish is also good served in this manner..

  1. Coat the fish lightly in flour and fry them gently in oil and butter until just cooked. Season lightly, remove from the pan and keep warm in a low oven.
  2. Then, with the heat low, add the leek and mushrooms to the pan. Cook them for about 2 minutes, turning occasionally.
  3. Pour over the Vermouth, turn up the heat and reduce by half. Season lightly.
  4. Serve the cods steaks with the leek and mushroom sauce poured over.

courtesy Alan Bichan food columnist for the Orcadian, from his book "An Orkney Feast" available from Amazon and all good book shops.